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By : Poetic Pattie

8 Min read

H-Town’s most recent resident Mosa is back on the charts with the early spring release of What's Wrong With You, a 4 pack EP from The Heartbreak Kid who’s also favored by Drake–the original heartbreak crooner. He was able to bring his vision to life alongside Producer’s Khoality & Nicky Stix, following the drop of his first and very well cultivated album Heartbreak University. This star has shown over the years that he definitely doesn't shy away from opening up about breakups, romance or life's hurdles. After putting in the work and using his last dollars, Mosa quickly caught the attention of industry favorites such as Jas Prince. He was then flown out to Houston where he signed to his label, Young Empire Music Group, and really began to put the work in motion. “As a man in these rooms you can’t pay attention to distractions. You either get right or get left…I don’t chase either, it's always gotta be mutual.”

Even with the glitz and glamor lifestyle, Mosa’s main focus will always remain at home. Coming from a background of strong Dominican roots–he prioritizes being a family man that always does his best to keep everyone together. When he initially took the risk of moving to Houston in 2019 for a change of scenery, Mosa didn't know anyone. The city quickly became one that he cherished, showering him with praises and offering him all of the support he could’ve imagined. He's back in Boston now ready to collaborate and put on show’s for his hometown fan’s.

Mosa has a lot of plans to work with female artists, he’s also waiting for the right moment to collaborate with more Spanish artists this year but only from those that grab his attention. Although he let one of his ambitious fans direct one of his music videos last year, Mosa wants to bring more of his visions to life and looks forward to directing his own music videos himself this year. There’s also big plans of collaboration projects with Tyler Loyal–another favored hometown super star known for his thought provoking sensual tracks. “Tyler’s my music brother and when I look at him I want him to win.” When it came down to conceptualizing the risky controversial bars in his music, the star claims that he’s just doing his job. Even with all the Red Flags that he’s encountered from being part of this wild industry he’s grateful for the chance to be taken seriously always–all due to his mature ways.



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