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Experimental Excursion: A look back at November

By Michael Mambrino

December 8, 2020

November was a holy trinity of outstanding material. You will not be disappointed with these 3 releases coming your way. So let’s jump right into it.

1. Haemunya - Abner Malaty, Alix Cain, Tom Burris

Diving head first we have a fascinating trio on our hands. Blending folk instrumentation with the aura of free jazz is a sight to see for anyone who’s reading this. This tape is so atmospheric that you forget that it’s even on a primarily harsh noise label (Tribe Tapes). This album projects as much darkness as it does bliss and joy and for that I have to commend the artistry of these musicians rehearsed or not.

2. Jeff Gallagher, Unfortunately - “His House Is On Fire”

Western mass head Jeff Gallagher has to be one of the most versatile “outsider” musicians out there. Channeling some melancholy energy and some humor is to be expected on projects of his and this is no exception. His rhythmic improvisation expertise is so transparent at times you sometimes don’t remember it’s not composed. By all means scope this album out and send Jeff a message if you want it on CD or tape.

3. Support Unit, Casualty Coordinates - Split

This harsh split is like an impenetrable rock of static and somehow it gets more interesting every time you listen to this. Both artists used their time wisely creatively and practically, this is definitely an interpretive split and it isn’t a surprise that it lends itself to the imagination of the listener. So enjoy the trinity of albums I placed on this list and let’s hope we stay calm this winter season.

Find Michael Mambrino on Instagram @floweryspeechband


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