By : Hannah Baluner
2 min read
I’m writing this on a bone chilling late-February morning after my face froze letting my dogs out to do their ones and twos. As the sun rises and frost melts, I’m aware of the first signs of Spring. I hear the return of birds after their yearly vacation to Florida, or wherever they go. Rain has washed away the majority of remaining dirty snow piles, and made way for budding crocus flowers. The desolate quiet of late winter is slowly shifting. Mother nature is waking up after a long, much needed rest. Spring is a time for new beginnings. With a gradual change of the seasons from silent stillness to the first signs of budding new life, begin to harness this stored energy to plant seeds for personal growth. Let go of old patterns by cleaning personal surroundings and shedding negative perspectives that are not serving you anymore. It’s time for renewal, so why not reinvent yourself? Allow yourself to be open to change; pick up a new hobby, get a different haircut, try something you’re scared of. Spend time with friends you haven’t seen in a while. Walk through nature and appreciate the changing sounds, colors and smells. Like the Wizard of Oz, watch as scenery slowly changes from black and white to a myriad of colors. Open your windows, let the fresh air in, and feel the first touch of warmth. As dormant trees that have survived the cold begin to sprout leaves, relax into change and allow yourself to grow. With this fresh start and openness to life, let the sun kiss your face and begin again. —Hannah Blauner, Graphic Designer @thegreenhanalishi
*Originally published in-print in Boston Compass Newspaper #144 March 2022