By Nancia
June 25, 2021
What’s DAPpening, y’all?! The weather's nice and we allllright! DAP is now running full steam ahead with the Covid-19 ban lifted and we can't wait to keep the momentum going! Tenant Tuesdays have been poppin’ as the series highlights DAP tenants with remarkable talents. Recent features include Jamal Thorne (IG: aka@ajani_peace), Tony Bodega (IG: @og_otay) , and Lala Shanks (IG: autishawtie). Did you know that there is a Bike Kitchen at DAP too? Every Saturday from 5pm - 8pm you can stop by to learn how to fix your bike! Who’s also DAPpening is Caroline Dunlap aka @cx_dunlap, a DAP tenant with inspiring artistic visions. She creates cool zines, comics, and fiber art. Her work can be found at the DAP store! Not only is Caroline super talented and sweet, but her full time job is helping those in need. She manages a harm reduction drop-in space, works with people who struggle with substance abuse, and homelessness. DAP is fortunate to have passionate individuals such as Caroline who not only creates art but contributes herself to helping her community. Stay tuned for the next whats DAPpening, cuz something is always happening at DAP!
-- Nancia